Document Object Model


Why is the native DOM rarely written or talked about?

vast source of incompatibility, pain and misery
Nearly every DOM method is broken in some way, in some browser

Clearly it was a mess!

Is it still a mess today?

The mess is not as messy as the mess once was.

DOM it!

Forgive - Forget - Embrace

Browser Wars

APIs like the Document Object Model

In 2002 the war ended. The aftermath left browser developers with incompatible DOM implementations. So the work of standardizing started.

Standardizing is a complicated & timely venture. The hardships befalling developers and browser venders were many.

A decade later.

Modern browser are more alike than not.

Let us forgive and forget the development pains of the past.

It's time to embrace and know the DOM.

So let's talk modern DOM.

(IE9+, Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari)

What is the DOM?

The DOM is a specification(s) describing how an HTML document can be parsed into a structured tree of JavaScript node objects (with properties and methods) for the purpose of scripting the document and its nodes.

Parsing an HTML document into a tree structure of nodes objects:

Types of nodes:



We're going to focus on:



Node.TEXT_NODE === 3

We're going to focus on:

#document or document



We're going to focus on:




What is the first node in the DOM tree?

Is it <html>, <!doctype html>, or document ?

The document node (e.g. #document or document)

activeElement, doctype, documentElement, head, body, defaultView

The element node (e.g. <element></element>)

ownerDocument, tagName

Element node attributes? (class="foo" data-foo="foo")


getAttribute(), setAttribute(), hasAttribute(), removeAttribute()

classList, classList.add(), classList.remove(), classList.toggle(), classList.contains()

dataset (no ie9)

style, style.setProperty(), style.getPropertyValue(), style.removeProperty()

The text node (<tag>text</tag>)

data, textContent

Let's review.

Find something, do something.

Finding nodes
(i.e. creating or using preselected Nodelists & HTMLCollections)

getElementsByTagName(), getElementsByClassName(),
querySelectorAll(css selector)


childNodes, children, document.scripts, document.styles, document.all, document.forms, document.images, document.links

static v.s. live collections/lists


childNodes, children, getElementsByTagName(), getElementsByClassName(), document.scripts, document.styleSheets, document.all, document.images, document.links, document.forms



Iterating DOM nodes


Finding a specific node

querySelector(), getElementById()

Contextual selecting (i.e. $('a','.context'))

querySelector(), querySelectorAll(), getElementsByTagName(), getElementsByClassName()

Doing something

Element nodes: innerHTML, outerHTML, textContent, innerText, outerText, insertAdjacentHTML(), insertAdjacentElement(), insertAdjacentText(), insertBefore(), appendChild(), replaceChild(), removeChild() ,prepend(), append(), before(), after(), replace(), remove()

Text nodes: data, appendData(), deleteData(), insertData(), replaceData(), subStringData()

no FF support for innerText, outerText, outerHTML insertAdjacentElement(), insertAdjacentText()

Doing Something, continued

Traversing any node: firstChild, lastChild, nextSibling, previousSibling, parentNode

Traversing element nodes: firstElementChild, lastElementChild, nextElementChild, previousElementChild, parentElement

Dude, jQuery!

Ok, the DOM isn't as bad as it once was. Now what?





	console.log('body element');


The document fragment node (Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE === 3)

var doc = document.createDocumentFragment();


doc.firstChild.innerHTML = '<ul><li>list item</li></ul>';